April 2021 | Additional method
After passing the exam I now also offer the auricular reflex zone therapy. The treatment is based on the ear acupuncture interference field therapy method according to Dr. Frank Bahr. Instead of needles I apply small magnetic beads (gold-/silver plated) with specific patch to the ear. After a certain period they fall off by themselves. In the meantime they stimulate the corresponding meridian point- respectively the identified reflex point.
If you want to find out more about this method you can retrieve more information under SACAM (Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur – Chinesische Medizin – Aurikulomedizin).
April 2021 | New webpage
Hello everyone
Just at the start of spring, my webpage has got a “spring cleaning”. The page appears more lean, light and contemporary due to new technology and the slightly revised structure and design. Thanks to the support of Regula and Christoph (see imprint) I dared to do this mini-project. I’m very happy with the result and I can warmly recommend them both to you for everything concerning webpage, graphics, etc.!
At this point I thank you both again!
What is new?
Navigation: All applied techniques and offerings available to you are now placed in the new navigation element “method”. Previously all tariffs and prices were placed on different pages. Now they are listed in tabular form and placed in one place under “Prices”.
Wish you all a nice spring and deep joy in the awakening of nature.